Franco Meinardi


After his degree in Physics at the University of Milano (1992), he earned in 1995 a post-degree specialization in “Material Science and Technology”. Then, he received several post-doc research fellows by, among others, Alenia Space (1996-1997) and the National Institute for the Physics of Matter (1998). In 1999 he obtained the position of Assistant Professor in Experimental Physics at the Milano-Bicocca University and in 2005 that of Associate Professor of Physics of Matter. In 2013 he received the national habilitation as Full Professor of Experimental Physics of Matter.

Member of more than ten national and European projects: principal investigator of two national projects supported by the Cariplo Foundation, of a bilateral Italian-Belgium research project, and of a European CRG; Board Member of the Materials Science Department (2000-2004) (2004-2008); referee of many scientific journals; evaluator for national (CNR, ANVUR) and international funding agencies (French, Nederland, Croatia, Rumania, Poland); Founder and Chairman of Glass to Power (2016).

His research activity is focused on the photophysics and electronic properties of organic and hybrid materials. The main recent achievements concern the up-conversion of the solar radiation by using properly designed plastic multicomponent systems, and the development of a new generation of luminescent solar concentrators for building integrated photovoltaic systems.