Artemio Guareschi


Artemio Guareschi is a Chartered Accountant and Auditor. He started his career in 1973 as an Auditor at Arthur Andersen & C. Italy, being appointed in 1974 to its Tax Consultancy Division. In 1984, he became a partner, and in 1986, he was appointed as Head of the Tax and Legal Division Offices in Milan. In 1988, he became the Country Managing Partner of the Tax and Legal Department at Arthur Andersen & Co. The eighteen years’ experience at the highest levels provided him with the right grounding for starting out as an independent consultant alongside Giuseppe Camosci and Mario Piantanida. In addition to his tax consultancy work, he deals with corporate issues, extraordinary reorganisations of significant corporate groups, and negotiational and evaluative aspects relating to M&A operations. Former Professor of Economics at the Catholic University in Milan and Professor at M&A Masters at Luigi Bocconi University in Milan. He has been appointed to the boards of directors and boards of statutory auditors of important national and international companies.